Congratulations to co-founding partners Ittinant Suwanjutha and Siripen Kulworakulpitak for their inclusion on Thailand’s A-List of Top 100 Lawyers by Asia Business Law Journal.
Every year Asia Business Law Journal examines Thailand’s legal profession and puts together an A-List of its top practitioners. Journal researchers shine a spotlight on the exceptional performance of the country’s best lawyers, highlighting their excellence and overall impact in the field.
The list is based on an extensive survey of leading in-house counsel in the country and elsewhere, as well as Thailand-focused partners at international law firms.

To read Asia Business Law Journal‘s 2023 editorial report and jurisdiction round-up for Thailand, visit:
The full A-list of Top 100 Lawyers in Thailand is available to view here:
It’s an honour to be on the A-List. We always rely on client feedback, but it’s also very rewarding to be recognised based on the professional opinions of our colleagues and competitors in the industry. Mr lttinant Suwanjutha co-founding partner
Asia Business Law Journal is a well-known publication that clarifies the legal and regulatory environment in key Asian jurisdictions. It’s a genuine privilege to be part of the A-List and is an indicator of our capabilities and the success we’ve enjoyed over the past year. Ms Siripen Kulworakulpitak co-founding partner