MEDIA: NEA meeting in Bangkok gets national media coverage

This month’s successful New Economy Academy (NEA) meeting in Bangkok has gained further coverage, with reports appearing on national television.

The NEA, part of Thailand’s Department of International Trade Promotion under the Ministry of Commerce, held a practical training course, “Essential information for operating an export business,” for 120 selected entrepreneurs as well as other invited parties.

The meeting took place between 1st–5th September 2023 and was led by various experts in international trade and exports, including IAS Advisory co-founding partner, Anuwat Ngamprasertkul, who ran seminars on the legal aspects of operating an export business and intellectual property.

The course was packed with 10 intensive topics for five days of in-depth discussion and thought leadership, with news reports featuring Anuwat appearing on Thai TV highlighting the level of interest in the event and drawing further attention to its success.

Read the full story here!

Anuwat co-leads NEA course for entrepreneurs and exporters

IAS Advisory co-founding partner Mr Anuwat Ngamprasertkul was delighted to join the practical training course, “Essential information for operating an export business,” which took place between 1st–5th September 2023.

The course, held for 120 selected entrepreneurs as well as other invited parties, was led by various experts in international trade and exports and was packed with 10 intensive topics for five days of in-depth discussion and thought leadership.

Sessions focussed on the preparations that are needed to be a successful exporter, such as business planning and marketing, cost and price structuring, payment methods, logistics and customs procedures, data analytics, among others.

My session involved preparing the exporter for key legal matters, such as how to structure a legally sound business organisation, how to identify and mitigate risk, how to prepare a proper legal contract with fully aligned terms and conditions, as well as a contract drafting checklist and negotiation plan. I was delighted to share the intellectual property session, also on Day 4, with co-speaker Ms Tatchaporn Natprasertkul, partner at WE Intellectual Property Co., Ltd.

The event was organised by the New Economy Academy (NEA), part of Thailand’s Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP), Ministry of Commerce, and took place at the Four Wings Hotel in Bangkok.

For more information about the NEA, visit

Because learning never ends!


Anuwat discusses wealth sustainability & family business strategy at AFBE

The Association of Family Business Entrepreneurs (AFBE) held a recent whole-day seminar event about wealth sustainability and multi-generational business strategies for families in Thailand. Speakers at the event, which took place on Thursday 24th August, discussed the range of tools and structures available for passing businesses down from generation to generation, such as family holding companies.

My session focussed on family business organisation management from a legal perspective, as well as existing guidelines with respect to the following: the ‘connection’ of business organisations and family organisations; managing ownership of property as a joint owner in the family; conflict in family business; fair selection and selection of ‘people’; management when a competitive business is opened and the use of business secrets for personal gain; internal fraud management and spending money beyond your authority; and ownership pass-through from generation to generation.

Attendees at the event learnt how to identify short-term risks and long-term opportunities and how to achieve future business prosperity for themselves and their families.

Events such as this are just one way that the AFBE provides information and advice to its members and to family business operators. Engagement between speakers and participants is always encouraged as is sharing knowledge and personal experience.


Anuwat joins DITP’s “Knock Door Africa” event as speaker

IAS Advisory co-founding partner Mr Anuwat Ngamprasertkul was delighted to be asked to speak at the Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP)’s recent “Knock Door Africa” event, which took place on 21st July 2023.

Anuwat was welcomed in his capacity as a senior commercial lawyer and as a qualified Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) arbitrator to help equip Thai entrepreneurs, investors and start-ups to commence safe and legally sound business operations in Africa.

It was Anuwat’s fourth appearance as part of this series of events, with previous sessions focusing on South Asia, China and Saudi Arabia.


NIDA invite Anuwat to run workshop on personal data privacy and protection

Dr Auntika Na Pibul, a professor at the Faculty of Laws, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), invited IAS Advisory co-founding partner Mr Anuwat Ngamprasertkul to run a half-day workshop as part of NIDA’s recent two-day personal data privacy and protection training course, which was held for nationwide university staff in Thailand.

The training course, led by Dr Auntika and several other PDPA experts, took place from 13-14th July 2023.

Anuwat’s workshop focussed on enabling participants to understand and prepare consent and privacy notices, part of a broader examination of personal information management techniques under Thai law and European standards for university workers.

For more information about NIDA, visit:


Anuwat at AFBE to discuss how to resolve conflicts in family businesses

The Association of Family Business Entrepreneurs (AFBE) invited IAS Advisory co-founding partner Mr Anuwat Ngamprasertkul to appear as a speaker for the session, “Managing and preventing conflicts in family businesses before they escalate.”

A variety of topics were shared and discussed in closed group sessions at the event tailored according to each participant’s needs, including family business organisations, holding companies, business succession plans and methodologies, as well as fraud prevention mechanisms.

The event, which was held for the benefit of both members and non-members of the AFBE, took place on 22nd June 2023.

For more information about the AFBE, visit:


DITP invite Anuwat to discuss how to do safe business in South Asia

On 15th June 2023, IAS Advisory co-founding partner Mr Anuwat Ngamprasertkul was invited by the Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP), part of Thailand’s Ministry of Commerce, to speak in his capacity as a senior commercial lawyer and as a qualified Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) arbitrator to help equip Thai entrepreneurs, investors and start-ups to commence safe and legally sound business operations in the South Asian region.

It was Anuwat’s third appearance at this particular event, with sessions earlier this year focussing on China and Saudi Arabia. The event, which was attended by over 50 guests including large domestic corporations and business institutions, welcomed prominent Thai thought leaders and influencers to its speakers panel.


Anuwat helps demonstrate stages of arbitration process at THAC

On Tuesday 28th February 2023, the Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) hosted the seminar “Dive into the arbitration process,” offering attendees key insights into how arbitration actually works at each stage of the process.

IAS Advisory co-founding partner Mr Anuwat Ngamprasertkul was honoured to join arbitration colleagues Ms Sakolrat Srangsomwong, a Senior Associate from Chandler MHM Limited, and Mr Witchaphon Techasawatwit, an Associate from Herbert Smith Freehills, at the event.

Together, they simulated an arbitration case; Anuwat assumed the role of arbitrator and Sakolrat and Witchaphon role played as the parties in the dispute.

They demonstrated how to enter the arbitration process, talked about how arbitration tends to play out, and showed how to apply arbitration theory in real-world situations.


Anuwat directs workshop and training for large state-owned enterprise

It was a pleasure for IAS Advisory co-founding partner Mr Anuwat Ngamprasertkul to present and direct a training session and workshop for more than 400 participants from a Thai state-owned enterprise last month.

The subject of the event, on 2nd February 2023, was Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and its related regulations and what organisations need to do to ensure compliance.

In the training session, participants learnt about the fundamentals of PDPA compliance, including the life cycle of personal data in an organisation’s business operation. Also, how personal data can be justifiably collected, processed, circulated, disclosed and retained and how this aligns with or is required to change under the PDPA. Anuwat also covered how compliance is organised and which business units are involved during the session.

Then, during the workshop, representatives from 10+ business units of the organisation delved into how personal data is actually processed, links up with other units and flows out to external parties in compliance with one of the key legal requirements of the PDPA.


Anuwat joins committee for selecting teams at National Mediation Competition ’23

Co-founding partner Mr Anuwat Ngamprasertkul was privileged to join the committee for selecting teams at this year’s National Mediation Competition.

The event was held at the Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) in Bangkok and took place over three days from 25-27th January 2023.

Competition now in its fifth year

The competition, now in its fifth year, is organised by THAC and involves simulations of commercial disputes to encourage and inform Thailand’s next generation of mediators and negotiators.

The event provides an excellent opportunity for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year degree students to participate in a mediation from start to finish and for teams to get experience of the whole mediation process, from gathering initial viewpoints, to focusing on interests, to creating win-win options, to evaluating possibilities, to outlining a valid compromise agreement.

It also provides an opportunity for young mediators and negotiators to showcase their skills, connect with peers, and pick up new mediation and negotiation techniques.
